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Five Basics to Preparing a Home Before Listing

Buyer expectations have risen dramatically over the years. High interest rates and high prices have resulted in buyers being very picky in what they will purchase. Homes in poor condition languish on the market, while dazzling homes attract offers quickly. Most homes are somewhere in-between. What can you do to prepare a home for sale, without spending a fortune? 1) Fix everything in the home that needs repair. 2) Declutter to the extreme, few pieces of furniture in each room and fewer accessories. 3) Fresh paint on every wall in a neutral color. 4) Professionally clean carpets that are in very good condition, otherwise replace them. Hardwood floors should be buffed out with a coat of fresh finish. 5) Lastly, everything in the house should be sparkling clean, from the kitchen to the bathrooms, the windows, and light fixtures. There are strategies on how to accomplish each of these for a reasonable amount of money.

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